It is the Industrial Day of the Interreg Italia-Slovenia TRAIN, the project financed by the regional programme of intelligent specialisation, for more than one million euros. BioValley Investments participates as a partner with the task of communicating and disseminating the results achieved. The project fosters cross-border cooperation between scientists and innovative industry in the field of BioMed, and aims to facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, such as myocardial infarction, difficult wounds even in patients with diabetes and inflammatory diseases.
The appointment is in the prestigious setting of the Meet in Italy for Life Sciences, the national traveling event of matchmaking and updating in the field of Life Sciences, Thursday, October 17 from 9:00 to 10:30 in the Auditorium of Molo IV in Trieste.
> Download the TRAIN project agenda (pdf)
> Download TRAIN flyer (ITA.pdf)
> Download TRAIN flyer (SLO.pdf)
> Download TRAIN flyer (ENG.pdf)