Biovalley Investments Partner (BIP), the industrial holding company controlled by BioValley Investments Spa, which operates in the BioHighTech business, after completing the first collection phase in 2019 and bringing the capital to 6.6M€, is raising more than 800K€ with CrowdFundMe. The result has been achieved also thanks to the participation of Bio4Dreams, which has decided to invest in the holding company of Trieste 250K€.
“With BIP we have decided to operate in a strategic sector, the life sciences, to capitalize on the research and entrepreneurial tissue of the northeast and the Alpe-Adria region” – said the President of BIP, Diego Bravar.
“This is why we have set up an industrial holding company (Innovative SME) that invests in BioMed, BioTech and BioICT and is also operating as a pharmaceutical company,” continues Mr. Bravar, adding: “We are very pleased with Bio4Dreams’ participation and with other private investors in this crowdfunding initiative. Bio4Dreams is a professional investor and certified incubator that we know and that operates in our sector”.
“The dialogue between the two structures was born spontaneously because the investment sector – life sciences – is the same, but the investment profiles are different. The two entities can integrate virtuously to increase value creation: Bio4Dreams for the selection of projects and business ideas suitable to become startups and to consolidate, BIP to speed up their growth and insert the most promising ones in their pipeline”.
The presence of Bio4Dreams at BIC Trieste, where Biovalley Investment Partner is also based, allows to combine proximity value with the possibility to expand the network of local startups nationwide, thanks to its multiple locations throughout Italy (Milan, Naples, Genoa, Trieste, Siena, Trento, etc.).
Elisabetta Borello, Co-Founder and VP Strategy & External Relations of Bio4Dreams is sure that this is an important step that will start a virtuous path: “With our 340 projects evaluated and 14 startups launched – 9 of which are subsidiaries – we believe that this operation can create further value: for us, because we believe in the growth of BIP and for BIP itself, because the complementarity and synergy between our structures can expand its range of investment choices and, at the same time, the startups we incubate”.
In all this CrowdFundMe, the only Crowdinvesting portal (Equity Crowdfunding, Real Estate Crowdfunding, Corporate Debt) listed on Piazza Affari, celebrates the beginning of the new year with the confirmation of being a platform in Italy that has proven to be able to support innovative startups and at the same time able to enhance the value of industrial holding companies that invest in start-ups and innovative SMEs.
Biovalley Investments Partner SrL is an innovative industrial holding company and SME, founded in 2017, focused on investments in innovative companies operating in the BioHighTech (BioMed, Biotech, BioICT) life sciences and medical markets. As at 31/12/2019 it has a share capital of 6.6M€ and has holdings in 11 companies. It is accredited by the Ministry of Health as a pharmaceutical company for the distribution of orphan drugs in Italy.