A.P.E. Research, a BioHighTech company, participated by BioValley Investments, has supplied one of its leading products, the Atomic Force Microscope, to an important CNR research project. The first results are now beginning to be known. Published in a major scientific journal. But let’s proceed with order.
The image, published on the cover of Advanced Elecronic Materials, was made with the powerful microscope of APE Research.
The results of this research, which has seen the collaboration of the Istituto officina dei materiali of the Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (CNR-Iom), the Sincrotrone Elettra, the University of Milan, the Politecnico di Milano, the Istituto di Nanoscienze di Modena, would lead to the conclusion that it is possible to modify the morphological properties of an object made of material, belonging to the class of multiferroic, on the basis of simple electrical impulses. It is then possible to restore the initial characteristics by reversing the field voltage. Piero Torelli of the Istituto officina dei materiali of the Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (Cnr-Iom) is of this opinion.
In short, it seems that it is possible to modify the shape of an object, and then go back to its initial structure.
“The resources of growth, nanofabrication, surface characterization and synchrotron light spectroscopy of the NFFA (Nano Foundry and Fine Analysis) infrastructure at the Cnr-Iom, the atomic force microscope (Afm), were used to measure the morphology of the sample and obtain a three-dimensional image of it. Finally, the optical microscope was used to measure the surface change in real time,” explains Stefano Prato, one of the authors and the founder of A.P.E. Research.
For further information you can consult the press releases, the link to which is given below.
> Link to the CNR Press Release
> Link to Area Science Park news