We are pleased to announce that the 2nd EURO BioHighTech – Health 4.0 Conference and Fair will take place on 26 and 27 September 2018 in Trieste (Italy).
Join us – Send your application
2nd EURO BioHighTech is a conference and a fair international event focused on MedTech, Biotech, e-Health and Ambient Assisted Living technologies developed in Europe with a special inclusion of the Central and Eastern Europe and Balkan areas.
This event is part of the International Project Science City for ESOF2020 (EuroScience Open Forum) and will be a preliminary initiative PROESOF2020.
Join us with your collaborative project and present it by participating to the Call for Expression of Interest (pdf).
Please fill the application form by June 30th 2018.
The participation is free of charge.
Join us – Send your application
It is possible to join this event also as visitor or exhibitor.
The international audience will include biohightech entrepreneurs, researchers, business angels, private equity managers, education representatives, communication managers, science journalists, civil society and third health sector organization as well as policy makers.
This event is also a unique occasion to find new project partners and get prepared for the next EuroBioHighTech Event (2019). To this purpose participants may benefit from scheduled meetings with foreign and Italian operators in the meeting rooms
Looking forward to hearing from you soon and meeting you in Trieste!
Download the Call for Expression of Interest (PDF)
For further information, please contact:
Scientific Secretariat
T +39040 3757705
Conference Secretariat
T +39 040 368343